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日本豪華經典10日|關東, 關西 (東京 大阪 京都 奈良)

出發日期:2024: 8/07、9/04
※ 於櫻花季/楓葉季期間出發,團費每人需加 USD$200
✔ 8晚四星級以上酒店
✔ 全程景點門票、車票
✔ 全程中文導遊以及交通
✔ 每日酒店早餐、7午餐、6晚餐
✔ 新幹線車票、行李宅急便費用
✘ 來回國際機票
✘ 導遊、司機每日小費, 建議USD10 每日/每人
✘ 個人額外消費、餐廳內除松立假期外提供的飲料酒水
✘ 酒店內的電話費、洗衣費

行程特色/簡介 每日行程 我要報名

 行 程 特 色 
2晚不同風格的温泉酒店:山梨県富士山温泉 & 京都滋賀県琵琶湖温泉


  • 3月下旬 ~ 4月上旬:隅田川遊船上及隅田川公園賞櫻花
  • 4月中旬:河口湖北岸賞櫻花
  • 4月下旬 ~ 5月中旬:本栖湖賞芝櫻
  • 京都 Kyoto:體驗古都極緻典雅的藝術文化及四季醉人的景緻
  • 世界文化遺產:清水寺、金閣寺
  • 搭乘嵯峨野浪漫小火車,沿著保津川緩緩行駛,欣賞春櫻、夏綠、秋楓、冬雪的動人美景
  • 京都禅遊:精心設計古都經典漫步路線,在巷弄間感受古都的風味
  • 奈良 Nara:探訪日本佛教發源地。世界文化遺產 - 東大寺、神鹿奈良公園
  • 大阪 Osaka:大阪城天守閣感受戰國時代霸主豐臣秀吉的雄心。市中心品嚐各類傳統美食,享受自由逛街購物的樂趣


  • 山梨 Yamanashi:遊覽河口湖、西湖美景,由此或遠或近欣賞世界文化遺產 - 富士山絕景
  • 經典嵯峨野浪漫小火車 Romance train
  • 富士高原觀景列車 Fujisan View Express,享受貼心服務及観賞田園風光
  • 富士合掌村 Iyashi No Sato Healing Village:於古樸寧靜的山中童話,眺望富士山
  • 富士最新眺望景点三嶋 SKY WALK
  • 皇居東御苑 The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace:進入時光隧道穿越回江戶時代,漫步日式庭園
  • 隅田川遊覧船 Tokyo Mizube Line:乘坐遊船,欣賞沿途兩岸風光及遠眺晴空塔
  • 特選國産牛SHABU SHABU,富士餐郷土料理、温泉料理
  • 搭乘新幹線(包括行李宅急便費用),遊覽關東、關西之精華!感受全世界第一條高速鐵路
  • 鎌倉 Kamakura 感受三大古都之一的城鎮風、特別増加成本乘坐箱根蘆芝湖『海賊王 | One Piece 海賊船』,真正感受富士箱根國家公園的魅力
  • 最新潮点 渋谷Scramble Square

DAY 1  美國搭乘國際航班飛往日本 - 東京

今日由美國搭機飛往東京 ,夜宿機上,於次日抵達。

DAY 2  抵達日本 - 東京


酒店:東京台場 Grand Nikko Hotel 或同級

DAY 3  皇居東御苑-隅田川遊船淺草寺澁谷Scramble Square東京灣夜景 

  • 皇居東御苑:為江戶城內城的一部分,護城河內有著大量綠色植被,像個公園一般,內部保留了日本最大的天守閣「江戶城天守閣跡」,走一趟可以欣賞德川幕府建造的建築
  • 隅田川遊船:乘坐遊船,欣賞沿途兩岸風光及遠眺晴空塔
  • 淺草寺:浅草雷門観音寺,仲見世伝統商店街
  • 澁谷Scramble Square:涉谷新地標,可自費至展望台觀賞涉谷繁華街道
  • 東京灣夜景:RAINBOW Bridge

早餐:酒店|午餐:浅草古都郷土料理|晚餐:和風SHABU SHABU
東京台場 Grand Nikko Hotel 或同級

DAY 4  鎌倉鶴岡八幡宮:鎌倉大佛 - 若宮大路櫻花道 - 小町通土産街 - 新宿 - 歌舞伎町

  • 鎌倉鶴岡八幡宮:經典鎌倉必訪的景點,到訪坐落在高德院的庭院中的鎌倉大佛
  • 若宮大路櫻花道:八幡宮前方筆直的宮若大路,春櫻時節更是美不勝收
  • 小町通土産街:巡禮整座八幡宮後,不妨繞至小町通,悠閒散策品嚐美食
  • 新宿潮流特區與歌舞伎町不夜天:新宿東口偏北靠近越夜越繁華的歌舞伎町,匯聚了許多餐飲店、娛樂場所和電影院,是日本少數的大型紅燈區之一,也被稱為「不眠之街」,到深夜仍舊燈火通明。

東京台場 Grand Nikko Hotel 或同級

DAY 5  富士高原觀景列車 - 富士合掌村 - 河口湖蘆之湖遊船 

  • 富士高原景觀列車(Fujisan View Express) 鑑賞富士美景:遊覽河口湖、西湖美景,由此或遠或近欣賞世界文化遺產 - 富士山絕景
  • 富士合掌村 (ITASHINO SATO):於古樸寧靜的山中童話,眺望富士山
  • 特別安排乘坐箱根蘆芝湖 海賊王 | One Piece 海賊船,真正感受富士箱根國立公園的魅力

早餐:酒店|午餐:富士特産板烏冬火鍋| 晚餐:温泉懐石料理 或 温泉豊富自助餐
酒店:富士山温泉鐘山苑 或同級

DAY 6  三嶋SKY WALK - 搭乘新幹線前往京都 - 琵琶湖温泉 - 美秀美術館 

  • 三嶋SKY WALK:富士最新眺望景點 三嶋 SKY WALK
  • 琵琶湖温泉
  • 美秀美術館(MIHO MUSEUM):貝聿銘設計之美術館。古代埃及,希臘,羅馬,中國,西亞洲,南亞洲等世界優秀美術品約200件及日本美術品約200件同時展出 (*如休館以其他景点代替)

早餐:酒店|午餐:沼津市場料理 或 列車特便當|晚餐:温泉懐石料理 或 温泉豊富自助餐
酒店:琵琶湖温泉酒店 或同級

DAY 7  亀岡TOROKKO 嵯峨野小火車 - 竹林小路 - 京都嵐山 - 金閣寺 

  • 亀岡TOROKKO 嵯峨野小火車:沿著保津川緩緩行駛,欣賞春櫻、夏綠、秋楓、冬雪的動人美景
  • 京都嵐山 竹林小路:日本最經典的竹林小徑「嵐山嵯峨野竹林小徑」,特別安排體驗傳統人力車
  • 金閣寺:世界文化遺產,寺內核心建築「舍利殿」的外牆全是以金箔裝飾,所以又被稱為「金閣寺」

早餐:酒店|午餐:京都湯豆腐料理 晚餐:A4-A5和牛SUKIYAKI 壽喜燒
酒店:Hotel Nikko Princess 或同級

DAY 8  京都清水寺 - 京都市區自由活動 

  • 清水寺:世界文化遺產,京都必訪,這座京都最古老的寺院依山而建,見證經歷睽違50年的正殿屋頂整修工程,知名的「清水舞台」也重現在世人眼前
  • 京都禪遊:午後精選路線,古都經典漫步,在巷弄間感受古都的風味,自由探索 京都錦市場 或伏 見稲荷大社参観千千鳥居
  • 晚餐特別安排京都舞妓晩宴,感受奢華

酒店:Hotel Nikko Princess 或 同級

DAY 9  奈良 - 東大寺:奈良大佛 - 大阪城 - 心斎橋 - 道頓堀 

  • 奈良:探訪日本佛教發源地
  • 東大寺:世界文化遺產,號稱世界最大規模的木造建築,入內參觀奈良大佛,是世界上最大的鍍金青銅佛像,據說使用了將近500噸的銅及440公斤的黃金
  • 神鹿奈良公園:奈良公園內放養了約1200頭野生的小鹿,人稱神鹿,別錯過與溫順的鹿零距離接觸
  • 大阪城:大阪城天守閣感受戰國時代霸主豐臣秀吉的雄心
  • 心斎橋商店街、道頓堀美食街:市中心品嚐各類傳統美食,享受自由逛街購物的樂趣

酒店:大阪Nikko Hotel 或同級

DAY 10 結束愉快的日本之旅,返回美國甜蜜的家





  • 報名前請詳閱以下資訊以及報名條款
  • 此行程適合我參加嗎?
    • 請詳細查看每日行程中的敘述內容
    • 適合年齡:為品質考量及當地情況的限制,恕僅接受滿12歲以上的貴賓報名
    • 輪椅通道:因設施有限,部分景點可能需要放棄恕不退費。使用輪椅的貴賓需有協助人員隨行,恕導遊無法分身協助
    • 特殊飲食:請報名時告知,本公司將儘量安排。部分限制較多的特殊飲食,如無法提供,敬請見諒
  • 簽證:
    • 如果經由松立假期代辦的簽證,一旦送件辦理,任何情況恕無法退費
  • 證件:
    • 報名時請提供護照影本,以免錯誤造成您旅行中的不便;並建議隨身攜帶護照影本,以備不時之需
    • 旅行全程中,需使用與報名時相同的證件,以免證件不符耽誤行程或造成貴賓您不必要的花費或損失
    • 護照需有回國日期後6個月以上的效期,及至少2頁標有「Visas」的空白頁
  • 航班及行李:
    • 大部分航空公司需付費預先劃位,您或可在出發前24-48小時內網上辦理
    • 自訂機票的貴賓,如有中轉,建議預留至少3個小時以上的轉機時間
    • 託運行李限重及件數根據各航空公司國際航線規定,超重費用需請貴賓自理



    Please read the Terms, Conditions & General Information contained in these pages very carefully. They outline the terms under which your SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR operate. Payment of deposit and/or final payment is an acknowledgment of receipt of these terms & conditions and constitutes acceptance of such as outlined



    Early reservations are essential to ensure availability of space. A deposit of US$500 per US-resident is due to SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR at the time of reservation (A higher deposit may be required for some tours). If deposit is not received at our offices within 7 from the date of reservations, booking/s is/are subject to cancellation. 


    After receipt of deposit by SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR, any change/s made to the reservation/s will incur a processing fee of $ 35 per change (see also cancellation clause). Final payment is due to SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR 60 prior to departure date (this requirement may change to 90 or more prior to departure in some cases). If the reservation is made within the last 60 of departure (and if space is still available), the entire tour price must be paid at the time of reservation.

    “While most tours require a deposit of $ 500 per person there are some exceptions, which will be clearly marked, for which a 30 non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking. It is highly recommended that travelers obtain insurance in order to protect their valuable investment”. 


    信用卡付款 AGREEMENT


    TRAVEL AGENT  機構 represented, warrant and agree that:


  • TRAVEL AGENT and the AGENCY represented will exercise due diligence in verifying the Cardholder’s identity and signature and securing proper authorization from the Cardholder for the transaction. TRAVEL AGENT may fill and sign SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR’s CC authorization form as Cardholder-only when TRAVEL AGENT receives written authority from the Cardholder to use his/her credit card for purchase(s), and only after identity has been verified by the TRAVEL AGENT. TRAVEL AGENT must provide SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR with a copy of the TRAVEL AGENT’S charge form or cardholder’s written authority upon request.

  • TRAVEL AGENT and AGENCY represented accept full responsibility for chargebacks, disputes and other non-payments by the Passenger, Cardholder or Credit Card Company. In this event, SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR will first present to the credit card company the charge form, signed by the Cardholder or the Cardholder’s (verified) written authority as provided to us by the TRAVEL AGENT. If the credit card company rejects the authorization for any reason, TRAVEL AGENT will pay SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR the full amount of the chargeback within 15 of written notice.



    All tour prices are based on a minimum of 2乘客 traveling together. Single Occupancy rates are applicable with a minimum of 2 traveling together, each in a single room. In the case of just 名乘客 traveling, Single Traveling Alone (STA) prices will be applicable (quoted on a case-by-case basis). All price and rates shown are in United States Dollars and are per person sharing a double-bedded hotel room. These prices are in effect at this time and are subject to change at any time prior to departure. Quoted tour prices are based on current rates of exchange, tariffs and taxes as applicable at the time of booking. SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR reserves the right to increase tour prices to cover increased costs of tariffs, taxes, park fees and fluctuations in foreign exchange markets. Airfares (if shown) are from the gateways of JFK or LAX and should be used as a guideline only. Best available airfares will be quoted, as applicable at the time of departure, based on individual gateways for the complete air itinerary. Due to constant fluctuation in fuel surcharges and taxes, SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR is unable to publish airfares. Competitive fares, matching the tour, are available upon request at the time of booking. 



    SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR has a variety of tour choices. Our scheduled departure tours are for exclusive SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR guests and operate with a minimum of 2 – 10 名乘客 最多的 15乘客, based on the destination. Independent Tours operate on a daily basis with a minimum of 2乘客. Join in Tours are not SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR exclusive tours. These are pre-packaged itineraries, with guests joining the tours from around the world. Tour escorts are provided (where applicable) only with a minimum of 15乘客.



    All participants must be in possession of a passport valid for 6個月 beyond the re-entry date into the United States or Canada respectively. A visa or visas may be required for some or all of the countries visited on the holiday or tour selected. Please check your visa requirement/s at time of booking. SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR will provide visa information and application forms. SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR recommends a reliable visa service that will assist in obtaining visa/s for nominal fee/s. Non-U.S. Citizens and Non-Canadian citizens may have different requirements. It is the passenger’s responsibility to ensure that all his or her visa and passport requirements are met. 



    Acknowledgement of booking will be sent immediately upon initiation of a reservation. Electronic receipt will be sent upon deposit. Final tour documents consisting of detailed tour itinerary, vouchers, hotel list, baggage tags, general information are dispatched from our offices approximately 14 prior to departure. If documents are required / requested for earlier delivery, a handling fee of $ 50 will apply to cover expedited handling and processing. 



    Due to the special nature of the programs, suppliers impose rigid cancellation fees; please be aware that SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR has no control over such fees and cannot make any exceptions to these charges.

    Note: All cancellations must be received by SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR in writing; cancellations will be effective when the written notice is received at SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR’s offices in Temple City, California. If a cancellation is received after SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR is in possession of the initial deposit, but more than 60 prior to departure (or 90 if applicable), the cancellation fee incurred will be $ 250 per person (a higher cancellation fee may apply to some tours). If cancellation is received between 59天和45 (or 89 – 45 days) prior to departure the fee incurred will be 25 of the entire tour price. Cancellation/s received between 44天和30 prior to departure will be charged a fee of 50 of the entire tour price. NO REFUNDS whatsoever will be made for cancellations received within the last 30 出發前。

    Airfares are subject to different rules and cancellation fees; some may be non-refundable. Details can be provided at the time of booking but it is the traveler's responsibility to ensure airfare conditions and cancellations are understood and adhered to. To protect against cancellation charges, we strongly recommend purchasing Travel Insurance including Cancellation Protection and Travel Interruption (see Insurance clause). 



    No refund will be made for any unused accommodations, missed meals, transportation segments, cruise portions, sightseeing tours or any other service. Such unused items are neither refundable nor exchangeable (no exceptions). 



    SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR strongly recommends the Travel Protection Program designed exclusively for guests on SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR tours, cruises and holidays and underwritten by Travel Insured International. The plan protects you and your investment in the event of a medical emergency before or during your trip and offers an array of additional coverage. By reading this insurance clause and acknowledging you have read the terms & conditions you acknowledge you have been made aware of the importance of travel insurance. If you elect not to purchase travel insurance you agree to hold SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR World Tours and its subsidiaries and affiliates harmless from any damages resulting from the failure to carry travel insurance. 



    Health regulations for some countries visited on featured tours may require proof of inoculation and/or vaccination certificates; such certificates should be in your possession throughout the entire tour. SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR strongly recommends that you consult with your personal physician or nearest travel clinic as well as Passport Health at 888-499-7277 or via the web at www.passporthealthusa.com in regards to your itinerary and required inoculations. You may also visit the website of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) at www.cdc.gov



    A handling fee of $ 30 per transaction is charged for any alteration or revision made to a reservation. Spelling corrections to client’s names after tickets have been issued will be subject to airline revision fees. Courier delivery costs apply if any changes are made within five weeks prior to departure. A change of date or itinerary within 35 of departure will be treated as a cancellation and new booking; in this case regular cancellation fees apply. 



    Deviations to the planned cruise or rail itineraries are possible, although every effort will be made to keep them as they are shown. All cruise or rail routes are subject to change without notice. Should conditions render cruise or rail routes unsafe for navigation, alternative services may apply, including but not limited to, accommodation on the docked ship (for cruise itineraries) and/or substitute ground arrangements. 



    Accommodation on a double occupancy basis will be provided at the property specified or similar. Rooms will be assigned by the respective supplier/s on a run-of-the-house basis, in category/ies as specified in the itinerary. The hotels featured in the itinerary will be in accordance to the level of the program – First Class, Deluxe or Luxury – (this term may be defined by the hospitality industry in the region providing such accommodation or by trade custom). All per person rates are based on double occupancy of the respective accommodation units as described above. A tour member occupying a single room, either by choice or by circumstance, is required to pay the single room supplement. The quoted single room rate does not necessarily mean single occupancy of a double room, as some of the establishments featured in this website have especially designed single-occupancy units. 



    Meals for each tour are included as stated on the itinerary. A la Carte, Buffet meals and/or table d’hôte are offered. Special meals and entertainment are included as shown in the itinerary. In some rare instances, a meal may not be of a standard expected under the term “deluxe”, particularly in remote areas. 



    The following services are included in your tour price unless otherwise noted: transportation between the airports and hotels, sightseeing with English-speaking or Chinese-speaking guides as mentioned in the itinerary, and all entrance fees to attractions visited as described in the itinerary. Sightseeing will be via motorcoach, private car and other modes of transportation (air-conditioned where necessary and available), as determined by the nature of the terrain and as outlined in the itinerary. Transfers are not included when arriving or departing at the first destination gateway by means other than the scheduled tour flights but can be arranged at additional cost. 



    Cultural entertainment events, gala evenings and/or festivals are included as per the itinerary. 



    The airlines used in conjunction with tours and holidays featured on this website are not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event during the time passenger/s is not / are not on board their aircraft. The passenger tickets/confirmation in use by the airline, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the airline and passengers. Airfares, where used, are subject to change without notice. 



    Bookings made within 30 of departure incur a $ 50 handling fee. 



    If you are purchasing a non-refundable air ticket, please make sure that you understand the difficulties associated with these airfares. SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR cannot be held responsible for any change/cancellation penalties associated with non-refundable airfares.



    Arrangements include transportation and transfer of two standard-sized suitcases per person. Please also see below Airline Baggage rules, which may differ. 



    Baggage allowance, size, and the cost to transport baggage vary by carrier and flight length. It can also vary by the mileage status a passenger holds with a preferred air carrier. Travelers will need to check with their air carrier in regard to the specific baggage rules & regulations applicable to them.

    Baggage and personal effects are at the owner’s risk throughout the tour and baggage insurance is strongly recommended (see insurance clause). Carrier liability for tour members’ baggage is clearly stated on the passenger contract and in the airlines’ terms & conditions sections. Liability for checked and unchecked baggage shall in no event exceed the actual loss incurred by the passenger, subject to proof of the amount of loss. Please read all of the conditions of your ticket. Federal law and treaties limit the amount of recovery for loss of or damage to your luggage or its contents. To protect against such limitations, we strongly recommend that you purchase insurance (see insurance clause). 



    Your tour price does not include: Air transportation (unless specifically stated as included); costs and fees to obtain or extend your passport/s; visa fees and processing fees; inoculations and vaccinations (if required); health certificate; airport taxes and country departure taxes (if applicable); all items of a personal nature including alcoholic beverages (except on certain occasions): meals not specified, tips to tour guides; excess baggage charges; cancellation, health, accident and baggage insurance; private, non-group transfers; and any items not specifically listed as included.



    SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR reserves the right to take photographs during the operation of any program and to use resulting photographs for promotional purposes. Any passengers who prefer that their images not be used are asked to notify their tour escort at the beginning of the program. 



    SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR (dba SONIC TRAVER & TOUR) of Temple City, California and all affiliates (herein referred to as “SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR ”) act only in the capacity as an agent for the hotels, airlines, bus companies, railroads, ship lines, and/or contractors providing accommodations, transportation or other services to the client. The client is advised that SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR purchases such transportation, hotel accommodations, restaurant and other services from various independent suppliers who are not affiliated with SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR . SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR makes every effort to select the best suppliers of the aforementioned services. However, SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR does not control the operations of these agents and as a result, CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR OTHER CLAIM which may occur as the result of any and/or all of the following: (1) the wrongful, negligent or arbitrary acts or omissions on the part of the independent supplier, agent, its employees or others who are not under the direct control or supervision of SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR ; (2) defects or failures of any vessel, aircraft, vehicle or other instrumentality which is under the control of an independent supplier; or (3) loss, injury or damage to person, property or otherwise, resulting directly or indirectly from any Acts of God, dangers, incidents at sea, fire, breakdown in machinery or equipment, or wars (whether declared or not), acts of terrorism, hostilities, civil disturbances, strikes, riots, thefts, pilferage, medical epidemics, quarantines, or customs regulations, defaults, delays or cancellations or alterations in itinerary due to schedule changes, or from any causes beyond SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR ’s control. Further, SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from insufficient or improperly issued passports, visas or other legal documents. All coupons, exchange orders, receipts, contracts and tickets issued by SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR are issued subject to any and all tariffs, terms, and conditions under which any services are provided by such hotels, airlines, bus companies, railroads, ship lines or owners or contractors or by their person in employ. 


    Special COVID-19 Note:


    Countries welcoming you and allowing open travel will have a Covidien公司-19 rule-set in place. Visitors must be familiar with these requirements and are expected to adhere to all rules. Requirements will differ from country to country and may also change over time. It is therefore important that all travelers are secure in their understanding of what will be expected of them before departing their home and upon entering a foreign destination. Please ask your SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR Travel Expert in regard to the specific entry requirements.


    Furthermore, understand that COVID-19 may be present anywhere. The World Health Organization and medical experts have stated that older citizens, as well as guests with existing health challenges, are exposed to heightened risks. It is important that travelers take personal responsibility for their well-being and strictly follow instructions, whether given verbally or through public announcements and signage. When traveling with SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR you agree to accept all risks associated with exposure to COVID-19. At SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR we encourage adherence to hygiene and distancing rules and sincerely wish that all of our guests travel safe and remain healthy. 



    SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR (when deemed necessary) reserves the right to: (1) cancel any itinerary or any part of it; (2) make any alterations to the itinerary (including, but not limited to, alterations to substitution of hotels); and (3) decline to accept or to retain any person as a tour passenger should such person’s health, mental or physical condition, in the sole opinion of SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR , impede the operation of the tour of the other passengers. Tour members are held responsible for being in sufficient good health to undertake the tour. If a passenger is asked to leave while the tour is in progress, that person will be responsible for charges incurred on account of such departure from the tour and/or their return to the USA or Canada respectively. In such a case, SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR will refund any monies that can be recovered for the unused portion of the tour, taking into account additional charges incurred by SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR . Other than to refund such sum, SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR will accept no further liability or obligation toward that person or third party. 



    SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR is not responsible for any errors, omissions or misquotes contained in brochures or on websites or any other accompanying promotional documentation. The contents of brochures, websites or promotional documentation may be changed at any time (including, but not limited to, rates and itinerary) without notice and at SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR ’s sole discretion. 



    It is specially agreed that this agreement is entered into in the district of Temple City, county of Los Angeles, state of California. In the event any legal or equitable action is brought against SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR concerning the interpretation, enforcement or breach of any term, obligation or duty as contained or related to the terms and conditions set forth in this website, or pursuant to federal law, statute or treaty to which the United States is a signatory, the venue of such action shall lie exclusively in the district of Temple City, county of Los Angeles, state of California. 



    It is specifically agreed and stipulated that the law of the state of California shall govern and apply to any legal or equitable action brought against SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR concerning the interpretation, enforcement or breach of any term, obligation or duty contained in this website, or pursuant to any federal law, statute or treaty to which the United States is a signatory. 



    Contact your travel agent for more information and further assistance with reservations on any tour. Your travel agent can also assist you with obtaining visas, travel insurance and can provide general destination information. You may also call SONIC TRAVEL & TOUR at 323-266-8988 在美國。


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Japanese Classic 10-Day